
Learning Coaches: An Option For Re-Imagined Learning

PDF Download of this post A positive aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic was the opportunity to restructure the teacher-student relationship.  It provided opportunities for teachers, parents, mentors and community members to re-orient themselves as Learning Coaches. A Learning Coach is someone who sees and says things to help a student win at his or her learning.  The context is a small yet fundamental shift away from teaching. Instead of content instruction, the focus is on relationship-centric practices that foster agency, growth and learning habits.  Even though we are back to in-person instruction, utilizing the perspective and approach of a Learning Coach can radically shift the relationship between Teacher and Student.  To do this well, we work

Best Virtual Meeting Strategies #2

**In this new normal of remote work, how can you help connection thrive and maintain team performance?  We are sharing effective strategies to boost engagement taken from our online Minding the Gap Master Class that are just as helpful in this new virtual world, where the "Gap" can be very evident. One of the ideas from last week - "Begin Before It Begins" - received this comment from an educator in Nebraska: "I have been scheduling weekly Zoom calls which have been good but I have been disappointed with the low numbers of students participating.  Then I realized I was only sending out one short post on the Remind App. I decided after reading the post to

Savannah Ducharm – Letting Go of Bittersweet Defenses

My truth is that there are a lot of things you can say to convince yourself and other people of who you are. You can fill your lungs with what you think they want to hear. But if you do that, nothing comes back to you. You are left exasperated. Letting go isn’t comfortable, since these things become bittersweet defenses to things you feel you can’t change. In a new country, with these new people, you’ll want to hold onto these defenses more than ever. You’ll feel small at times and out of control. I used to criticize myself for holding on so tightly. You’ll see why it had to be that way. You were small

Understanding Alignment

Brady Rhodes Co-Director, BoldLeaders Understanding Alignment For the last 15 years I have been able to chew on, think through, play with and take apart some concepts and conversations that I find really valuable.  The best part has been that I have done this in tandem with thousands of people from around the world, diverse in every way you can imagine. One such concept has been the difference between Agreement and Alignment. Think through this with me: it is easy to Agree or Disagree with something. We simply do it and our position is NOT dependent or tied to another person’s position. It is happening all over the world today: silos getting built,

By |2021-01-10T14:39:31-07:00February 10th, 2016|Listening, Minding the Gap, Possibility|0 Comments
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