
Best Virtual Meeting Strategies #2

**In this new normal of remote work, how can you help connection thrive and maintain team performance?  We are sharing effective strategies to boost engagement taken from our online Minding the Gap Master Class that are just as helpful in this new virtual world, where the "Gap" can be very evident. One of the ideas from last week - "Begin Before It Begins" - received this comment from an educator in Nebraska: "I have been scheduling weekly Zoom calls which have been good but I have been disappointed with the low numbers of students participating.  Then I realized I was only sending out one short post on the Remind App. I decided after reading the post to

Adrian Cabral – Shifting Perspectives

My name is Adrian, a participant of the BoldLeaders program. I went to South Africa with BoldLeaders in 2013 and it was an experience that an email, or even a in person meeting could not do justice. The South Africa team was actually supposed to go to Kenya. I was a part of a group that was going to be in a rural part of Kenya, where I thought I was going to get the "real Africa experience." After a U.S mandated halt on all travel to the country, our trip to Kenya was cancelled. This was specifically important to me because after a training from Michael about our expectations v. outcomes, I realized that it was

Our Great Endeavor and the Fragile Moments

This references a parable in Luke 18:9-14... Recently I have really appreciated being a city kid and moving to the country because I have be able to learn more about farming and food.  I think it has really helped me appreciate and understand more about what farmers have to deal with. One thing I have come to appreciate is how much of a great endeavor it is. There is this incredible lead up to harvest which is hard to under-appreciate: all kinds of effort, expense, thought, energy and time - all put in for one result.  And so it is clear to see why harvest has such an association with thanksgiving and gratitude. There is so much

By |2016-12-19T17:56:46-07:00November 30th, 2016|Minding the Gap, Relationship, Vulnerability|0 Comments

Morgan Blanco – Getting the World

  When I started my journey abroad I had a vast amount of feelings, spreading from fear to excitement. I think I found that being a Boldleader allowed me to see that there is beauty in each of these feelings that I was having. My time abroad has been one filled with uncomfortable situations allowing for me to transform my perspectives about the world even more, and making me come alive! These feelings of vulnerability led to some of my greatest memories during my time abroad thus far. It has also allowed me to explore some of the basic human resources that I had lost, which were touch and voice. The relationships and friendships

Mikaela Lieb – Purposeful Participation

The opportunity to travel and practice something internal, in my experience, was a practice in consciousness-raising. It was finding something to focus and hone in on that was important to me, within myself, and to be able to practice and expand and explore it. It grew me immensely in many ways. At this point, for me, maybe even more importantly than the way it allowed me to change the way I related to myself, was how it altered the way I related to my surroundings, the country I was in, and the people around me. It created space for me to act and think in intentional ways I hadn’t considered before. I acted and thought from a

By |2017-01-25T18:56:13-07:00February 12th, 2016|Alumni, Vulnerability|0 Comments
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