Course Information
Who is this for?
This course is for YOU! Managers, leaders, supervisors, teachers, mentors, facilitators – anyone looking to get results from individuals and teams will find this course immediately useful, valuable and rewarding. If you are constantly working to inspire, direct and support teams, the course will give you uniquely holistic, relevant and attainable structures and processes to help you build a productive team. Read more below or check out the short sample video that introduces the Framework for Availability, a key aspect of the class.
Social Learning or Individual Anytime Package?
We offer the course two different ways: Social Learning and Individual Anytime Package. You are currently on the Anytime Package page for the course. The difference is that this course gives you access to all the content right away and you are not engaged with others during the course. The Social Learning course is the same content yet you and up to 10 others are in the class at roughly the same time, digesting the content at your own pace but talking about it weekly during a zoom video call. If you would like to purchase the Social Learning just return to the Institute page and select one of the many Social Learning courses that have a specific starting month.
How long will it take?
We suggest you plan on devoting a minimum of 10 – 15 hours to the course and we recommend that you spread this out over a 1-3 week period. This will give you time to follow the practice suggestions and reflect as you go.
Tell me more…
We will approach the learning from a few unique angles! Rather than providing you with platform or public speaking skills, this course will take you a couple levels down and guide you in creating relationship-centric environments that generate increased levels of participation, learning and collaboration in virtually any setting. We help you give people an experience of being their best self and train you in using this to improve engagement. You will have several opportunities to try out what you are learning as we ask you to practice specific skills and understandings in your own life and experience the impact first hand.
There is free access to some of the material below and you can see all the different lessons and get a sense of how the course is structured.
The end result…
MUCH GREATER ownership, achievement, engagement, partnership.
MUCH LESS apathy, drama, miscommunication, distance and low participation
Professionally AND Personally
All BoldLeaders courses are designed with the whole YOU in mind. Our work will be immediately useful in the workplace for sure, yet these are human-centered practices that work in any environment. We know they will be helpful to you personally throughout your life with friends, family, partners and more.
An end of the course assessment is available for everyone who would like to receive a certificate of completion from BoldLeaders. We are working on developing the course for Continuing Education Credit and will apply that as it becomes available.
Course Instructors
One-Time Payment
Payment Plan
Course + 1 hr Additional Private Coaching
Pre-Course and Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Causing Relational Environments
An introduction to the Framework for Availability that sets the background context, emphasizes the need for availability to start with you and focuses on the importance of the relational environment to generate participation, learning and collaboration.
Two short readings that focus on a facilitator/leader’s role in being available so that the group can then in turn be available also.
This reading describes the three aspects of the Integrity Triangle and poses questions for reflection. The Practice Lesson for the week is to do the work of the Integrity Triangle for yourself.
Week 3: Generating PLC Begins With You
This week’s presentation of the Framework looks at You. We review the Integrity Triangle, introduce the Pre-Questions and then add two more of the First 10 – all designed to help you mind the gap between yourself and that relational environment.
A description of the Pre-Questions: three vital ways to look at working with a group and balance your way of doing and being…
A chance to practice the Pre-Questions with our downloadable worksheet.
Week 4: The Elephant Rider and the Value of Cause Pause
This video presentation looks at the metaphor of the Elephant Rider as a way to describe the processes we need to take into account when working with ourselves and others.
In this lesson we identify the value of Cause Pause in relation to the Elephant/Rider metaphor and summarize the five elements of the First 10 that we have introduced so far.
Week 5: Understanding the Value of Best Self in Creating Relational Environments
This week’s lesson helps us understand how the idea and context of ‘best self’ can work as a foundational context for the Framework for Availability and also be used as an operational tool. We flip the script on our goal as well and see how the framework can be used to reverse engineer results.
This reading helps reinforce the idea of Best Self as a generator and something generated by the Framework for Availability.
Practice this week gives you a chance to think through the lens of best self and notice the impact.
Week 6: Causing Availability in Others: the First 10 and Tying It All Together
A video presentation to complete the First 10 and give a final overview of the Framework, full of context and structures.
A profound aspect of working with individuals or groups and a practice that is often skipped over or assumed, Permission can quickly alter listening for individuals and groups and enlarge joint ownership.
Practice the First 10: During this week, find opportunities to use each of the First 10 and see what difference they make.