It has been awhile since we let the BoldLeaders family and stakeholders know what has been going on! So without further ado, here are some recent initiatives:
- During February to July, we enrolled 62 Fellows from 11 countries into our Bold Fellows program . This is open to past participants and other stakeholders who are working on (or want to develop) social impact projects within their community. The program included developing an online platform for them to get resources, talk with each other about their work and blog about their experiences. The initial sign-up period took place during the first half of this year and got a great response. To date they have directly worked with over 21,000 people! Keep an eye on our Facebook page and in newsletters to hear more and more updates and reports from the Bold Fellows –
- As you can tell, we created a new website! Be sure to investigate our three call to action items: For the Workplace; For Educators, and; Other Services (Mentoring, Facilitation, 1:1 Coaching). Each has free products/curriculum to download as well as unique newsletters.
- We are marketing a new program option for schools and other youth organizations. The Elementals: A Self-Directed Framework for Integrating Social and Emotional Learning could be a very timely appeal to schools who are working on SEL competencies but have lots of other things on their plate. A new marketing piece is attached. Please feel free to send it out to any teacher/school contacts you have![Download not found]
- We are creating three online certificate programs that have a common core. The three courses will have a rich learner experience that goes beyond basic readings to include peer networks, reflective exercises, ‘office hours’ and more. The three programs will focus on: Educators, Team Managers in the Workplace, and Mentoring Organizations. We should have the Educators course up and running by September! If you want to be among the first to try it out, fill out the form below –
- We developed a juvenile diversion program that in Nebraska that impacts new groups of 20+ teens/month. We have worked with 300+ students in the last two years and have interest from other diversion programs on bringing the program there. The program builds off our Platforms by creating environments to build self-agency. This is significant because most diversion programs have a tough time getting away from the “I am in trouble and need to just get through this to clear my record” mindset.
- We are working with three school programs who continue to use BoldLeaders to provide programming: GALS (Girls Athletic Leadership School), Steamboat Mountain School and the Mapleton School District.
- Mentoring: While we have been working intensively with a variety of mentoring organizations since 1998, it has not been until recently that we worked to streamline our materials and processes in order to offer a more coherent series of trainings, program designs, curriculum and contextual work. BoldLeaders Co-Director Michael Donahue recently presented a Ted-style talk and two workshops on some of our material at a Mentoring Colorado conference. Give us a call to learn more and keep an eye on the website as we offer more glimpses.
- We developed a Workplace Framework that is showing some promise and have used it with three groups as well as a health care Association demonstration in Mississippi to 40+ health care industry executives. It has been very well received and we are still looking at how to best get it in front of people. Attached is a simple marketing piece that we created for it. Feel free to pass it along! BoldLeaders-ONESHEET.pdf (3178 downloads )
- Workplace Development Modules. We created several 45min – 1 hour modules that work to build relationships and team development in the workplace and delivered them over several months to a local business group made up of 25 young professionals. The workshops got great reviews and laid the foundation for future work with professional groups. They are the “pieces” to the Workplace Framework mentioned above. If you would like more information on these or have an idea to connect us with a possible client, please let us know. We think they are a winner!
- International Programs. Many of you know us by our work in this area! While the programs have lessened, we still are doing plenty of work throughout the world:
- We recently partnered with the University of Nebraska – Kearney to respond to an RFP from the State Department for a Youth Leadership Program with Myanmar. The proposal was denied but we were in the top 3-4 out of 12.
- We are the sub-contractor on a proposal that was spearheaded by Partners of the Americas on a very large RFP response for a Youth Ambassadors Program. This is the latest evolution of the program that we hosted with groups from the Caribbean. The State Department combined several programs into one large grant totaling roughly $3 million. If the proposal is accepted, BoldLeaders would be responsible for hosting a program for 15 Canadians and 40 Caribbean participants in 2018.
- Also In 2016 and 2017 we delivered a program in Trinidad and Tobago to 25+ young women in a rehabilitation home for juvenile offenders and witness protection participants. The three day program was certainly our most intense effort to date yet proved the worth of our methodology once again.
Whew! Of course there is more but those are some aspects of our recent work. Keep tabs through our newsletter if you are not signed up yet and reach out to let us know what you need or simply tell us how you are in the Comments section below. If you want to be among the first to enroll in the Causing Self-Agency and Engagement Online Course for Educators, sign up on the form below:
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